佛光山於1998年5月成立「財團法人佛 光山電視弘法基金會」,旨在以大眾傳播方式,宣揚佛法精義,提升世人心靈、淨化社會。為了擴大業務規模與推廣各項弘法利生的事業,端為促進「人間衛視」及 其他非以營利為目的之電台成為永續經營之公益電台,期望以社會教化、慈善公益的淨化節目,來關心大眾、服務社會。
淨化社會 我們的堅持
自1993年台灣媒體開放以後,媒體對社會的影響日趨深遠,其中尤以電視媒體對大眾的生活型態、價值評判、道德觀念的 衝擊最大。放眼現今之台灣社會,以商業利益為經營導向之電視媒體居多,真正用心製作優質節目的媒體,屈指可數。有鑒於公益電視台存在之重要性,即便生存條 件非常困難,佛光山電視弘法基金會,護持公益電視台的決心與堅持不會改變。
十方來 十方去 共成十方事
多年來,「人間衛視」製作出許多優質節目,不但年年獲得金鐘獎肯定,同時多次榮獲行政院新聞局頒發「優良衛星頻道」 獎,一路走來雖然辛苦,但都是值得。在沒有商業利益收入,又沒有政府資金支持的情況之下,「人間衛視」經費的來源,全部仰賴佛光山電視弘法基金會的募款。 十方大眾的善款得來不易,基金會謹遵「十方來,十方去,共成十方事」之精神,善加運用,絕不輕忽。
緣結千里 需要我和你
在電視弘法基金會的護持之下,「人間衛視」突破種種困難,於2001年12月正式在海外26個國家播出,在經費拮据的 情況之下,戮力以年輕化、教育化、公益化、國際化四大方向,來製作清淨優質的節目,傳播全世界。這些優質節目猶如良善的種子,種在每一個人的心中,開出祥 和歡喜的花朵,讓社會充滿溫馨與和樂。所有支持電視弘法基金會的會員,猶如福田的播種者,將福田的種子種在台灣,讓福田的花朵綻放全世界,讓心靈的環保成 果,嘉惠後代的子子孫孫。這項福慧雙修的公益事業,需要大眾的護持,希望大眾一起來,散播歡喜緣結千里。
每個人可依自己的心願選擇福田,每塊福田每日認養金五元。 每人可認養多塊福田,認養越多,功德越多,可為自己祈福, 也可為家人、朋友祈福。 請填妥『人間衛視之友入會申請表』,郵寄或傳真至本會辦妥入會手續之後,即可成為福田認養人。

Fo Guang Shan set up “Fo Guang Shan Dharma TV Foundation” (hereinafter “the Foundation”) in May, 1998. Its objective is to propagate the Buddha Dharma, raise the level of spiritual consciousness of the people, and purify society through the mass media. Hoping to produce educational, charitable, and purifying programs for society sake, it aspires to becoming a sustainable and philanthropic television station.
Purification of Society - Our Perseverance
Since the restrictions on the media were lifted in 1993, the media has exerted growing influence on society. In particular, the TV media has considerably shaped people’s lifestyle, value judgment, and moral values. In Taiwan’s society today, most of the TV media are commercial oriented, only a few devote to producing wholesome programs that are of benefit to society. Having realized the important role a civic-minded television station carries, the Foundation resolves on running Beautiful Life Television (BLTV) for public good, despite the fierce competition in such a trying time.
Wealth Constantly Re-circulated Back to Where It Comes From
BLTV has won the “Golden Bell Awards” for many years as well as Government Information Office’s “Quality Satellite Channel Prize” on several occasions in recognition of its arduous effort in producing a multitude of quality programs. Being a non-profit organization, BLTV struggles to stay afloat as it has neither commercial profits nor government’s subsidies to support its development. Its only source of fund is public donation from donors who subscribe liberally to the Foundation. As every dollar does not come easy, the Foundation is very circumspect in making the best use of the donation under the principle of “donation coming from the ten directions will be returned to the ten directions.” We exert ourselves to repay your gratitude of a drop of water with a gushing fountain.
Stronger Affinities Bring Us, Though Thousands of Miles Apart, Together
Under the aegis of the Foundation, BLTV, despite that it is still feeling the pinch, managed to get over all sorts of difficulties by making its programs, which are made in accordance with the BLTV’s mission statement: be youth-oriented, educational, international, and civic-minded, available by satellite in 26 countries overseas in December 2001. The delivery of these programs is like sowing wholesome seeds in people’s minds, so that blossoms of peacefulness and joy would fill society with warmth and harmony, and further benefit the later generation one day. Our charitable undertakings and future provision of programs do need your all-out support. Once you have become a supporting member of the Foundation, you will help us spread the seeds in the merit fields not only in Taiwan, but the world over. Hope you can join us in realizing the good cause of disseminating the Dharma bliss to all over the globe.